Display Content on Hover

In any layout, you can display text (including title, content, categories, tags, custom fields, and so on) on hover with 3 awesome effects:
+ Slide left right
+ Slide up down
+ Simple fade in
This page will illustrate these effects in a Grid layout.
Please move your mouse over the image to see the overlay effect.

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Sija recaluto pote

Sija recaluto pote

Lorem ipsum cuju sysy hac munu qoqugo symar qit gir conihud tudipupy. Laqud quf puhe rucotu ...
Loqe tobas safy

Loqe tobas safy

Lorem ipsum fipi tyd tusoloj neh rotetog tutat tysyl bidese. Qicogif rydufo jug fyqehu ribybu qoji ...
Dos bigy tofyn jim

Dos bigy tofyn jim

Lorem ipsum samo rofula honun poqe gyje mopa lity rote bacusem bogilo. Sirinaty fycy sebyn qedude ...
Corporis urna orci

Corporis urna orci

Lorem ipsum gysun qidoc butyne sohasa top melaciny jyf pyp dajineby goqica bit. Cuty jal hedider ...

You can show some fields on hover the image, and show other fields below (or above) the image, like this:

Sija recaluto pote
Lorem ipsum cuju sysy hac munu qoqugo symar qit gir conihud tudipupy. Laqud quf puhe rucotu. Soheh dolure tenare rebinil ...

Sija recaluto pote

Loqe tobas safy
Lorem ipsum fipi tyd tusoloj neh rotetog tutat tysyl bidese. Qicogif rydufo jug fyqehu ribybu qoji fobisab. Pemurug bigulaq hed ...

Loqe tobas safy

Dos bigy tofyn jim
Lorem ipsum samo rofula honun poqe gyje mopa lity rote bacusem bogilo. Sirinaty fycy sebyn qedude sopuqud. Miha nun hus ...

Dos bigy tofyn jim

Corporis urna orci
Lorem ipsum gysun qidoc butyne sohasa top melaciny jyf pyp dajineby goqica bit. Cuty jal hedider tygefa. Fibuc cydohi cimir ...

Corporis urna orci

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